ROBUST CRISIS RESPONSE POSITIONS AR DIAN AMONG THE STRONGEST PRIVATE MARKET PLAYERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ardian has emerged stronger and more pur- proved most resilient during the crisis. We believe posefulfrom the Covid crisis that defined 2020. the Sustainable Measurement methodology we Although the human and economic cost of the pan- are implementing for our direct portfolios gives us demic will weigh on our societies for years to come,an industry-leading framework to measure and our organization proved resilient and quick to adaptenhance positive impact across the full value chain. to the new realities. Despite the obvious challenges of remote working, we stayed in close contact with Data analysis is becoming increasingly cen- our portfolio companies and LPs throughout the tral to all areas of our activities. It is now an integral year and continued to raise and deploy funds in part of our sustainability toolkit and is starting to high-quality transactions all over the world. play an important role in our investment and asset management activities as well. We are also rolling We closed two record fund generations out digital tools to improve our efficiency and allow during 2020 – ASF VIIIand Expansion V – and us to deliver a better and more scalable service to our completed landmark transactions including Ardian LPs. The launch of our digital investor portal, Trustview Buyout’s first deal in the United States and a series ofArdian, in July 2020 was an important milestone. investments that significantly broaden Ardian Infra- structure’s exposure to technologies that will drive Looking ahead, we believe the funda mental the transition to a carbon-neutral energy system.trends driving our industry remain intact. Investors’ appetite for private market assets and customized We also continued to grow and extend our investment solutions is strong. Pressure on managers operations. As activity rebounded strongly from theto demonstrate expertise in responsible investment middle of the year onward, we resumed hiring withand commitment to positive impact is growing. The the aim of recruiting from a more diverse pool ofstrategic importance of maturing markets such as talent wherever possible. Inclusion and diversity areAsia is increasing. And capitalis flowing toward central to our long-term strategy and although wethose managers that have the scale, breadth of have more to do, progress so far is encouraging. activities and organizational strength to command investors’ confidence. One of the most important lessons of the pandemic for us was the close relationship it The crisis that began in 2020 has enabled highlighted between companies with the most Ardian to prove that in all these areas our position is advanced sustainability practices and those that strong and getting stronger. 38 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE